Micro gardening seems to be the most appropriate approach to the alarming situations of the huge numbers of people affected by insurgency in the northeastern part of Nigeria. It is easily adaptable, affordable, understandable, doable, dependable and flexible. Microgardening is therefore an eco-friendly sustainable agricultural practice to improve the livelihood of households with minimum assets (inputs, size of space), households with a high malnutrition rate of one or more relatives and households with large family members.
Kits compositions:
- Vegetable seed kit 1: Sorrel 10g
- Vegetable seed kit 2: Moringa 10g
- Vegetable seed kit 3: Tomato 10g
- Vegetable seed kit 4: Spinach 10g
- Hand tool 1: Rake
- Hand tool 2: Watering Can
- Hand tool 3: Hoe